
Parenting Tips for your ‘Out of Control’ Child

At one time or another, all parents feel like their child is acting “out of control.” But eventually this feeling passes as the event passes. But for some parents, an out-of-control child is not a fleeting phenomena but a 24/7 reality. These children constantly push the limits and seem to care very little (if at all) about the consequences.If you...[ read more ]

How to Co-Parent on Birthdays, Holidays & Other Special Occasions

Co-parenting can present obstacles at any time of the year, but it tends to be especially difficult on birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions. Here are a few tips for how to approach your next big event:Decide on a schedule ahead of time. Chances are good that your co-parenting schedule will already be laid out in your custody agreement. If...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age

Whether your child is an infant, a preteen, or a full-fledged adult, you may be overwhelmed and in need of parenting tips. Here are just a few examples of challenges that parents commonly face as their children grow up:Infants (0 to 1) – Infancy is typically the most physically demanding stage for parents. It can be difficult to keep up...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Infants

Parents face challenges at every stage of their child’s development, and infancy (birth to 1 year of age) is no exception. Here are some of the obstacles commonly faced when children are at this age, as well as some helpful parenting tips:Exhaustion – Regularly feeding, burping, changing, bathing, and soothing an infant leaves little room for sleep, so it’s no...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Toddlers

If you have a toddler (1 to 3 years of age), you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. If so, you’re not alone. As children reach this stage of development, they often begin displaying more behavior issues, which can be incredibly challenging for their parents. Below are a few of the obstacles commonly faced during the toddler stage, as well as parenting tips...[ read more ]

Tips to Help Bond with Your Teen

When our children are young, they come to us, it seems, innumerable times throughout the day wanting to share something with us. An idea they had, a discovery, questions about life. At times these visits aren’t so helpful or desired, like when we’re on an important conference call or having… private time with our spouse.But we should savor each and...[ read more ]

How to Feel Less Stress as a Parent when the Kids Go Back to School

Starting a new school year can be super exciting. It can also be stressful, both for the child and the parents. The following are some ways you can ease back into a new schoolyear but leave the stress behind!Meet the New TeacherOne of the biggest fears many young children have is will they like and feel comfortable with their new...[ read more ]

How Family Therapy Can Help During This Lingering Covid Crisis

It has been almost a year since the world changed with the Covid-19 virus. After months and months of being locked down, many families are experiencing burnout from being forced to be home together so much.While the vaccines are being rolled out, we are still getting mixed reports and messages from the media as to when life might return to...[ read more ]

Creating a Parenting Plan

In a perfect world, marriages would never dissolve. But divorce is a reality and one that impacts everyone involved, including the children. To help children feel safe and secure during the weeks and months that follow a divorce, it is important that both parties work together to come up with a co-parenting plan.Keeping Your Children’s Best Interests in MindSimply put,...[ read more ]

Benefits of Co-Parenting (And How to Do It)

When two people decide to separate or divorce, the first question they usually must answer is, “What’s best for the children?” Well, according to the Third International Conference on Shared Parenting, co-sponsored by the National Parents Organization and the International Council on Shared Parenting, children need both parents in their life, no matter how those two adults feel about each...[ read more ]

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