
How Your Diet Can Affect Mood, Cognition, And Sleep

Most of us are aware that what we eat can affect our waistline. But did you know that the foods you eat can also impact your brain, which means they can affect your mood, cognition, and sleep?Think of Your Brain Like an Expensive CarCars need fuel to operate. Some cars do fine no matter what type of gas you put...[ read more ]

Eating for Well-Being Instead of Weight Loss

In case you haven’t heard, dieting doesn’t work. I don’t think there is one case of someone going on a diet, getting healthier (not just skinnier) and being able to maintain that diet over time. Despite perhaps losing some initial weight, the dieter will eventually throw in the towel and gain all the weight back and then some. Diets don’t work...[ read more ]

Health Benefits of Probiotics

Unless you’ve been living under a proverbial rock, you’ve most likely read an article or two over the last few years about the importance of gut health. It turns out that 80% of our immune system lives in our gut. If our gut isn’t healthy - we’re not healthy.One of the best things you can do to improve the health...[ read more ]

Body-Positive Weight Management

Body positivity is a movement started by the idea that all human beings, regardless of their size, should feel good about themselves. Body positive advocates encourage others to celebrate their bodies and accept themselves the way they are, instead of trying to squeeze themselves into a physical mold that society has deemed “attractive.”But is it possible to be body positive...[ read more ]

Best Super Foods in the Summer

Summer is one of the greatest seasons of the year. Not only can you get outdoors and be more active, you can also eat more fresh produce from local farmers and even your own garden!Of course, different seasons produce different fruits and vegetables that offer their own unique health benefits. When it comes to super foods, summer has no shortage!Here...[ read more ]

Skip the Ice Cream: Here’s A Better Post-Breakup Plan

Breakups are hard, there’s no two-ways about it. The emotional toll is enough to send many women into the fetal position with one hand wrapped around a spoon and the other around a pint of Häagen-Dazs®.The problem with reaching for comfort foods in times of crisis is that they set us up to feel even worse. Yes, sugar absolutely gives...[ read more ]

Tips for Staying Healthy While Working from Home

For some people, working from home is a normal routine. This is, after all, the gig economy, and many people have been freelancing, making a living from their home office for many years now. But for others, working from home is a completely new phenomenon brought about by the global pandemic.For this second group of people, working from home has...[ read more ]

How to Help Your Kids Develop Healthy Habits

Every parent wants their child to grow up to be as healthy as possible. Sadly, rates of childhood obesity in this country have skyrocketed, increasing over 800% since 1982. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obese youths have a far more likely chance of developing heart disease and high cholesterol as they age. They are also most likely...[ read more ]

Healthy Food & Emotional Regulation

Are you an emotional eater? When you’re feeling stressed, do you find yourself ordering in pizza? When something sad happens, do you drown your grief in sugar? If so, you’re not alone. A majority of people deal with the challenges of life by turning to their favorite comfort foods.The trouble is, these foods are only a temporary fix. They fill...[ read more ]

National Childhood Obesity Week

National Childhood Obesity Week takes place in July. This week is to help shed light on an increasing problem in this country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity affects roughly 14 million children and adolescents.While some look to the government to enact legislation to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic in this country, there is much we...[ read more ]

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Longmont, CO 80504

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