
Do Same Sex Couples Have Unique Relationship Issues?

Since the 1970s, LGBTQ people in this country have been fighting; fighting for equal rights and fighting to dismantle the stereotype that their relationships have no intrinsic value.The truth is, LGBTQ relationships can be just as loving and committed as heterosexual ones. And they can also have similar challenges to heterosexual relationships as far as finances, parenting, household chores and...[ read more ]

Celebrating Gay Pride Month by Focusing on Mental Health

June is gay pride month, a time when people come together to celebrate the freedom to be themselves. And while the dancing, partying and colorful festivities are a wonderful way to celebrate, it’s also a time to commit to being your best self. And that means taking care of your overall mental health and well-being. We have come a very long...[ read more ]

Issues LGBTQ Students Experience in School

Growing up is hard for just about every kid. But it can be particularly hard if you are LGBTQ+. School can be especially tricky to navigate, as these youths face unique challenges.Here are some of the most common issues LGBTQ+ students experience in school:BullyingLGBTQ+ youths are far more likely to be the targets of bullying, whether that bullying happens in...[ read more ]

What is Gender Dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria, formerly known as gender identity disorder, describes intense and persistent feelings of identifying with another gender. Individuals with gender dysphoria often take measures to live in harmony with their internal gender identity. This may include dressing and using mannerisms associated with the gender they identify with. In order to be officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a person must...[ read more ]

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