
The Different Types of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy can be a powerful vehicle for personal transformation. By speaking with a trained therapist in a safe and confidential environment, a person has the opportunity to explore their inner world and gain an understanding of their behaviors.Research has now shown that individual psychotherapy can be highly effective at improving the symptoms of a wide range of mental health issues...[ read more ]

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors and Treatment Options

According to the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, the term body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) describes a group of behaviors thought to be related to anxiety disorders, impulse control disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The behaviors can include hair pulling, skin picking, nail-biting, knuckle cracking, and tooth grinding, to name some. Treatment OptionsThe question of why people engage in these repetitive behaviors has challenged mental health...[ read more ]

CBIT therapy for Tics and Tourettes

Living with a tic or Tourettes Syndrome (TS) can be a significant struggle for most people, as there can be a lot of shame and embarrassment involved. Up until very recently, there weren’t many good forms of treatment that offered lasting relief. But new science is showing that cognitive-behavioral intervention therapy (CBIT) can help sufferers of TS and tics.How Does...[ read more ]

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